The Voice of Your Heart

Voice liberation from the heart
Custom made to your needs and longing
Your mentor: Steven Cnudde


Individual sessions in which we further (re)discover, liberate, harmonise and strengthen the power of your heart and voice.
A path to authentic expression, healing and joy, resilience and vitality.

In an individual session, we work individually around a concrete question that lives in you or with what presents itself in the moment. The focus is on your potential and its further development. Sometimes a session is mainly about releasing blockages or trauma, at other times we focus on embracing joy and celebrating your right to exist and creative power. Often a session is a mix of both.

‘To embrace your voice is to embrace your existence and creative power.’
- Steven

Live session(s)

If you are not yet familiar with voice and transformation work, or if you choose to work with the power of your heart and voice in a more in-depth process, a (less expensive) course of at least four sessions is recommended. In such a series, you will get a clear picture of what is possible when you connect the power of your heart and voice and let them work for you. A series usually covers the following four areas:

  • connecting to the natural flow and carrying capacity of your heart and voice, resulting in more flow in your life,
  • reclaiming the primal power of your voice, allowing you to better set boundaries and develop more decisiveness and self-care,
  • experiencing the healing power of singing from your heart,
  • a concluding session in which we zoom in on what is most important at that moment and look at how you can take the next step in your life decisively.

The individual sessions and the pathways take place in our home practice in Everbeek, in the Flemish Ardennes.

Online session(s)

We also offer coaching online. Your heart as a compass is independent of time and space. Many (consciousness) techniques that can be covered in a live session are also available in the online version. The big difference with live sessions is that working with the singing voice and the sacred geometry of the body works better in a live session. However, the essence of your voice (connected to your heart) can also give a lot online.

Themes that can easily be addressed online are

  • building heart coherence
  • (the need for) clear boundaries
  • reclaiming your right to exist and self-worth
  • a constructive mindset and associated tools
  • awareness of being human in this dimension (flow of creative power, centre power, the path of least resistance, the dance of laughter and tears, connection with sources of power, etc.)
  • tools/energisers/mantras for daily use
  • insights into your system according to the five elements (from Chinese medicine) connected to your vocal power

The online sessions take place via the login on our platform. Afterwards, you can listen to the recording again.



‘Guiding people to liberate their true voice is one of my great passions. The moment when the heart of the voice makes itself heard is of a sacred beauty. Even after more than 15 years, I continue to find it wonderful to be a facilitator and witness to this.’

Steven Cnudde, heart and voice coach since 2006

‘I wanted to let you know that since the two-day and individual course I took with you, many positive changes are taking place. The singing exercise in reclining pose is now a regular part of my day after yoga. With another exercise, I experience a kind of tension release, where my body starts to tremble, as a sign of letting go of old baggage. In stressful situations, such as in a busy shopping mall, the practices help me increase my own energy and keep other energies out, making me feel calmer and more present. I also now spontaneously hum outside my home, something that was unthinkable a few months ago. Thank you for everything. The freedom I now experience is so much greater and more expansive than I could have imagined.’ - Mel

    ‘For years I was suffering from back pain. I had tried all kinds of things. Nothing seemed to help. One session with you, in which I finally learned and dared to let my voice sound in its full power and the pain in my back was history. And that was not even what I had come for... Wow.
    A big merci, Steven. I recommend you.’  - Jan

    ‘Steven understands like no other the art of creating a safe environment where you are invited to show yourself, and not hide behind a ‘facade’. His approach is masterful, open and playful. An added strength lies in Steven's own vulnerability. Not only a ‘master’ in words, but also an example of how he himself is confronted with changes in his daily life and how he deals with them. Extremely fascinating and inspiring!’ - Koen

    ‘Throughout my childhood and also as a young adult, I was the girl with the quiet voice. I found it so hard to speak in groups, let alone to stand up for myself when needed. That started to hinder and frustrate me tremendously. With you, I found the safe space and guidance I was looking for to finally free myself from my far too tight cocoon. The process not only helped me to free my voice, it brought me so much more. Faith in myself, the feeling that I am worthy to be here and to speak my truth. Every day I grow a little further in it. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everything you have given me and for your expertise and warmth. I would never have wanted to miss this transformation.’ - Julia

    ‘I clearly felt an effect from the session I attended with you. It gave me a boost of confidence that I really dared to speak up. The very same week colleagues of mine said I was blossoming, and that movement has only continued ever since.’  - Eva

‘I found the online session very valuable. Your involvement in my personal process is great. With in-depth questions and experiences from your own life, you provided me with several tools to work on certain issues. You think along actively, recognise where I get stuck, create different perspectives and work with me to find tools that work for me. You also shed light on issues where it was dark for a while, in order to approach or look at things differently, bringing more clarity and insight. As a coachee, I felt very supported and heard.
Initially I had some resistance to doing coaching via the laptop, but you immediately created a pleasant framework and I soon forgot I was sitting in front of a screen. The session was intense and very valuable. I also like the fact that you shared your notes and the recording of the session and that the session remains accessible online. This way I can revisit it as often as I want, which allows me to pick up on that energy again and further deepen the content of the session and integrate it into my daily life. Truly an added value.’ - Sabrina

Single session

120 euro (1h30')

(free from V.A.T.)

  • 90 minutes of individual mentoring (online / live)
  • you receive an invoice (if you book a session for professional reasons, share your invoice details when ordering)
  • After receiving your booking and payment, you'll be given access to our calendar to plan your session.

I book a session

Full journey
(4 sessions)

432 euro

(10% reduction, free from V.A.T.)

  • 4 sessions of 1h30'
  • You receive an invoice (if you book these sessions for professional reasons, share your invoice details when ordering)
  • After receiving your booking and payment, you'll be given access to our calendar to plan your sessions.

I book a full journey.